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Class Rules:

1. Once class begins be in your seat quietly ready to work

2. Have class materials once you enter the room

3. Be respectful of others and their property 

4. Follow directions the first time they are given 

5. When the teacher is talking you are not

6. Do everything with kindness!


First offense: Verbal warning

Second offense: Conference with teacher 

Third offense: Conference with teacher and a call home

Fourth offense: Office/ Parent conference with student 

Class Procedures- 

Entering class:

- Walk into classroom and go to your seat unless told otherwise

-Keep voices at a low volume

-Keep your hands to yourself 

When the bell rings:

- Be in your seat 

- Begin work if there is any on the smart board, if not, read quietly

- If you have a question raise your hand

- If the bell rings and you are not sitting quietly you will be warned once and if you are still not sitting you will be marked tardy

When you are absent:

- Ask a fellow student what you missed before coming to the teacher 

- You will be given time to complete assignments you missed due to being absent 

Sitting at your desk:

-Hands to yourself

-Talking in low volume to students in your row only

-Do not leave trash on floor

- Always face the front of the room

Asking questions:

All questions are good questions as long as you raise your hand 


- Listen before speaking to teacher and your peers

- Keep conversation related to what we are talking about

-One student should be talking at a time


Ask before going, if you have to go you can always go


Do not pack up early

I will dismiss you 

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